Improving the Modern Shopping Experience
The shopping experience has evolved through the years, becoming mostly online transactions as opposed to in-store shopping. Although buying online is convenient, the instant satisfaction of purchasing something in the store is missing, as well as the face-to-face interactions with store associates. To make the most of this customer experience, Samsung has created digital signage to further the buying experience by engaging customers visually and providing additional information to the customer. This new technology will enhance the customer’s satisfaction during their in-store shopping journey, bringing the customers back to the store for future shopping.
SMART Attraction
A store’s external signage must be inviting, distinctive and interesting for shoppers to engage in a shopping experience at their store. Stores are assured of unique digital signage by utilizing Samsung’s displays customization features. Digital signage also
sets the tone of the store, allowing customers to understand the type of store they are entering before walking in.
SMART Information
Delivering product information to customers, increasing their knowledge of products and services while shopping, is something retailers struggle with often. Samsung’s digital signage is a perfect way to increase shoppers’ knowledge of products and provide helpful reviews to use during the buying process. Digital signage also helps shoppers navigate easily throughout the shopping mall.
SMART Management
Creating and updating content across an entire network or a single display are tasks that retail owners oversee. Samsung’s MagicINFO Solution is a hardware content management platform that gives users the ability to connect to their signage at all times, regardless of their location. Users can also monitor displays remotely and adjust security settings based on the company’s policy.
SMART Promotion
Retailers are continually trying to find ways to provide customers with information while they are in-store as well as offering them promotions they can use while shopping. Samsung’s outdoor or semi-outdoor display and QLED signage have the ability to deliver a wide-range of information to customers during a shopping experience.