Item Introduction: Bibimbap, meaning “mixed rice” is a traditional Korean dish that includes rice, vegetables, meats, and eggs all mixed in a one-bowl. Bibimbap has at least five different vegetables on the rice for nutrition and aesthetics. Typically, shiitake mushrooms, shredded cucumber, julienned carrots, sliced zucchini, bean sprouts, dried seaweed, and daikon radish. Special red sauces called gochujang, Korean red pepper paste drizzled on the top to taste and the whole thing is mixed up before eating.
Company Introduction: Korean Traditional Style Simply eat a meal that adds health, healing, value, and tradition to your life! The brand focuses on Korean Traditional Lifestyle: Hanok, Hanbok, Hanji, and cuisine. Korean cuisine refers to the traditional foods and preparation techniques of Korea. Korean Traditional Food & Jeonju Bibimbap Korean traditional food harmonizes warm and cold, hot and mild, rough and soft, solid and liquid, and balances colors. Bibimbap is the representative cuisine.