It is a 17-year-old beverage manufacturing company that mainly produces and distributes health-oriented juices using local specialties.
ISO22000, FSSC22000 Quality-certified facilities produce safe products through UHT ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization.
Hello Pear & Balloon flower juice
1)As a health juice for kids, Korean pears were juiced with NFC, and balloon flower was extracted to reduce bitterness and increase sweetness.
2)Amazon US Choice (Review 4.5 or higher, acclaimed product)
3)Brand K Korea’s flagship product
Pear juice
1)It is a healthy juice with sweet and fresh taste with the best combination of Jeollanam-do specialties Naju pear, Goheung citron, and Boseong green tea.
2)Fruit and vegetable juice juiced with Korean Naju pear using NFC (Not From Concentrate) method
3)Costco US_CA in-store products
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